GIMPGimp: kahootWhat does Gimp stand for?
When working in GIMP, your images will be divided into ______ to make it easier to edit
GIMP 9: black and white (by Marta IES Fray Pedro de Urbina) insructGIMP 10: add effects to an image (Practice7 and P7 barcelona): bsotos
Gimp 11: filters (Practice8 and P8 barcelona and P8 granada) bsotos
Gimp 12: Photomontage (Practice 9 and ... the images) bsotos
Gimp exam OBJETIVES AND ASSESSMENTOBJECTIVES: the main aims are the following
This is how the assessment this year (2019-20) is going to work:
English is the language used in this class, so it is important to use it to address the teacher and your classmates.
Write down your score to show your teacher.
Operating systems: test
Network types: test
Internet: test
email: test
Presentations sotfware and web design: test
Use a word processor to desing your own academic schedule
Dino game: read the article and anwers the following questions.- Have you ever played it?
- Why the project was called "Bolan"?
- How many games are currently played every month?
- Write the news of the special anniversary edition
- How long does it take to beat the game?
You have to include a cover page, the page number with the format "page 1 of X" and a header of the page (your surname and name).
The names of the members of the group will appear on the cover that should be framed and it has to contain an image (placed on the right of the names) of the Chrome dino (found on the internet). The image’s edges have to be rounded. You will also have to use the image effect called “reflexes”.
The font of the document has to be Arial 12 (except for the title on the cover) and you have to use double line spaces. Cuestions have to be blue and italics and answers black.
Constrains: Follow the tips "reseach poster".
Imaging you are approaching a publisher and show your material for assessment.
Watch these videos to help you with this activity: research poster, easy, flyer,
Activity: Create a file (word processor) called "tips poster" with the tips that appear in the video "research poster". arial 12, italic.
Go to your email account and click blogger and start creating your own blog (one per each student ) called "4ICT following by your name, for example "4ICTsonia" and the domain (address) "4ICTobarenessonia" . Look at the image.
Your first post: "Welcome to my blog"
The body part: You are going to post information about the ICT this year, so explain the aim of your blog and encourage people to comment it and make suggestions (you can introduce yourself: name and surname, where you are studying, then you can write: "This is my blog for the subject Information and Communication Technologies" and now it´s up to you ... (60 words minimum).
Practice Labels: Hardware, Software, Image editing, Audio editing, Video editing, Blog, word proccessor, Avatar, Safety. video layout labels
Some links: sciencenewsforstudents , computerworld
Look for their meaning on the internet and post it as "QUOTE"
Create a file called "web search surname" and give two examples of every shortcut.
You can watch the video again but you are in a hurry, you should post it in your blog during this lesson. Best of luck!!
Title: "Web search strategies in plain English" (arial 18 red, bold, alignment center)
Peripheral devices: test
Activity: Watch Prezi hardware. Create a new file called "hardware surname" in your folder and answer the questions. You can use your own words- Write a definition of hardware.
- List four periferics and add two images
- List the parts that appear on the motherboard and add an image of each part explaining their function.
Constrains: Follow the tips "reseach poster".
Imaging you are approaching a publisher and show your material for assessment.
Watch these videos to help you with this activity: research poster, easy, flyer,
Activity: Create a file (word processor) called "tips poster" with the tips that appear in the video "research poster". arial 12, italic.
- Activity: Watch the video for 5 minutes (until minute 5:15)
Go to your email account and click blogger and start creating your own blog (one per each student ) called "4ICT following by your name, for example "4ICTsonia" and the domain (address) "4ICTobarenessonia" . Look at the image.
View your blog clicking "view blog"
- Activity: Keep on watching the video 6:30 for two minutes and ...
Your first post: "Welcome to my blog"
The body part: You are going to post information about the ICT this year, so explain the aim of your blog and encourage people to comment it and make suggestions (you can introduce yourself: name and surname, where you are studying, then you can write: "This is my blog for the subject Information and Communication Technologies" and now it´s up to you ... (60 words minimum).
You can pause, skip forward or backward, or drag the slider to the point in the video you want to watch.
- Activity: click on stats "estadísticas" and take a look.Then click on posts and see how many posts you have already published.
- Activity: choose a temple designer and play around with background, adjust widths and avanced making changes. video
- Press the Print Screen key "Imp Pant"
- Open the image editor Paint
- Create a new file, and press CTRL + V to paste the screenshot.
- Edit the image (cutting)
- Create a new file and CTRL + V to paste the image
- Save your image as a JPG, JEPG file
- Activity: Make a screenshot of your "poster" and post it on your blog with the title "Hardware" and say the program you used it and two difficulties.
If you finish an activity and you´re ahead of schedule (earlier than a given deathline) and there are no more than 8 or 10 minutes left before the bell rings. It will improve your grades.- In the minutes that remain you can read or watch some news in English related to computers, software, videogames, hardware, phones, ... but you have to post it on your blog (only two or three sentences).
Some links: sciencenewsforstudents , computerworld
- You can also post about the following quotes:
- Two heads are better than one
- Actions speak louder than words
- Don't put all your eggs in one basket
- Honesty is the best policy
- The pen is mightier than the sword
- When the going gets tough, the tough gets going
- No woman/man is an island
- Fortune favours the bold
- Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst
- Better later than never
- you can always get what you want
- A watched pot never boils
- If ain't broken, don't fix it
- if you can beat them, join them
- you can't judge a book by its cover
- good things come to those who wait
- The early bird catches the worm
Look for their meaning on the internet and post it as "QUOTE"
Did you do your homework? 👀Create a file called "web search surname" and give two examples of every shortcut.
You can watch the video again but you are in a hurry, you should post it in your blog during this lesson. Best of luck!!
Title: "Web search strategies in plain English" (arial 18 red, bold, alignment center)
Copy and fill with your own examples explaining what you are looking for (arial 14, blue, italic, alignment justified)
Insert a link and a screenshoot of the video (insertar / hipervículo). Here you have the video
- Words that appear together (being specific):
- Words with multiple meanings:
- Activity: Watch the video 1,20min .
- Activity: Create a new file called "PC surname" in your folder and answer the questions. Click here "how PCs work". You can use your own words. Please copy the questions.
- solution mainboard/motherboard: here
- Why they say "the human brain is a sophisticated computer"?
- A computer is an electronic device containing: .......
- A microprocessor is capable of carrying out ...
- Write the characteristists of a PC
- What the Altair 8800 is?
- List the core PC components
- Do you think that the size of the case matters? why?
- Try to fill the gaps, later on you are going to fill these gaps on a piece on paper and you teacher are assessing your
- work. An exam??? 😈
- Where is the microprocessor? It's called "the brain", why?
- Which simile it is used to describe the RAM and its relation with the CPU. Explain with your own words.
- Do you think the amount of RAM is essential for the speed of a computer? Why?
- Insert an image of a RAM
- What is SATA, thunderbolt and USB? insert an image of each. Look for this information on the internet.
- What is it used to cool the PC?
- Fill the gaps:
- Cable are designed to ________ ________, ________ or ______.
- A motherboard accepts video cards based on a specific interface, such as the older ______ standard or one of the newer ____ standards.
- Look for an image of slots AGP and PCI.
- List some of the ports you'll find on a PC.
- Can you find parallel printer ports and PS2 ports in old computers or in the new ones?
- What is the meaning of the acronym USB?
- You could have a keyboard, mouse, printer, microphone and webcam all running on USB technology, so the obvious question is, "How do you hook up all the devices?" Click here to answer this question: hub. Add an image to improve your explanation.
- What kind of ports are firewire and ethernet? Insert an image of a firewire and a ethernet cable.
- HDMI is more than a port on the back of a TV (and the often expensive cable that fits inside). It's a set of rules for allowing high-definition electronic devices to communicate.
- Insert an image of this cable.
- What kind of port is HDMI?
- Fill the gaps:
- Anything you can plug in to a port on the PC is one of the _________ ___________
- Using __________ ___________, you can add extra video cards, network cards, printer ports, TV receivers and many other custom additions
- What is called the boot process, or booting the PC?
- The boot process is controlled by the _________ . Nowadays called UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)
- Watch the video and fill the gaps.
- The UEFI was develop to _________ and________ the pre boot environment preventing injection of _________ _________ and to improve ____________ between _____________.
- UEFI supports _______________ or ___________ processor mode.
If you wrote the questions in your blog (without creating a file) copy and paste in a file called "PC surname" into your folder.
Now you have your file "PC surname" post it in your blog as "How a PC work". You should introduce the topic but don't upload the file yet.
- Activity: watch the video Google Drive 2018 and keep on with the activities. You can pause, skip forward or backward, or drag the slider to the point in the video you want to watch.
- Activity: go to google drive and create a folder called "ICT"
- Activity: Go to Google Drive and upload the file "PC surname", (the previous one, How a PC works I) to your folder "ICT"
- Activity: Copy and paste in your blog the link to your file. Here you have an example: drive hardware
- Activity "manage folders" change the colour (green) of your folder and rename as ICT 4
- Activity "sharing folders" (minute 5:55): share your folder "ICT4" with your teacher (
- Activity: create a file called "test1surnames" and share with the classmate close to you. Ask her/him their email. Chose the option "can edit" and edit the file writing four words each. Don't get panic, just try and enjoy. Take your time (4- minutes)
- Activity:
- open the file motherboard shared
- unload and save as "mother surnames" ,
- upload to your folder ICT4
- share with the classmate who has a computer far away from you. You can stand up to ask for their email, you need a pen or a pencil to write it down.
- Chose the option "can edit"
- Edit the file as if you can not communicate by speaking, I mean you can not speak, act as if you were each at home.
- Publish a post called "the motherboard" with a link in your blog and explain (in detail) how you create the file (sharing and editing ...) and the name of the authors.
- Activity: unload the file vocabulary and post the solution in your blog as a link. Use google drive. You should upload the file "vocabulary solution" to your folder "ICT4" and then copy the link. Author activity Kico Borras
- Activity: all together, the whole class. Meterials: paper and pencil. Watch the video major parts and components and draw the components with their names (a rough draft), then give your piece of paper to your teacher, don't forget write your name and surname. solution
- Activity: VOCABULARY Within each category, place your cursor over an image to hear it. Then quiz yourself (listening challenge and speaking challenge). Post your score and tell your audience your feeling about this activity (you knew the vocabulary, it was easy..., you learnt new words as....)
- Activity: inside your computer 5 min. Post a summary in your blog. (80 words roughly)
- Activity: Watch the video how computer memory works and answer the questions in a file called "memory". upload to your Drive and post about it.
- Everything in a computer's memory takes the form of ...
- where the binary digit is stored?
- the memory cells can achieve two states, which?
- Files and programs consist on ... and this data is processed in ...
- List the three main characteristics in a memory
- What is random access memory (RAM). Explain it in two or three sentences
- when a transistor and capacitor stored electrical charge, what bit is stored?
- list the two characteristics of a Memory cache
- RAM and cache can only hold memory as long as they ...
- Types of long term storage devices
- Explain how flash sticks (solid state) stores the data
- Can you write in a flash stick over and over again? why?
Design a Christmas card, a poster of a film, hometown celebrations and so on, but don't forget publishing in your blog:
Activity: create a christmas card with canvas, it's easy, follow the following steps:
- Open Canva and select the “Card” design type. (tarjeta de navidad)
- Choose from hundreds of professionally designed layouts.
- Upload your own photos or choose from over 1 million stock images.
- Fix your images, add stunning filters and edit text.
- Save and share.
Activity: Create some pages in your blog: Gimp, Networks, Security, Audacity, DeliciousHere you have a video 3min and more support how to add pages, suppor google English, support google
Activities: NETWORKS
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT NETWORKS 😮😨😨 don't get panic, it's for me to know what's your level of knowledge about this topic and start from there.
You need your phone and the app kahoot or your PC with firefox.
In groups of three.
solution networks
(sanantom) Kahoot networks
Video: wires, cables and wifi (7 minutes)
The link unit 2 BSOTOS has some activities. Author: sección bilingüe BSOTOS
Open the file PRACTICE 1.pdf and follow the instructions
You need the word processor files W and the UNIT 2.pdf to complete the activities
Practice 1: exercise 1, 2 and 3
Practice 2: none
Practice 3: exercise1and 4
Practice 4: exercise1
Practice 1. Exercise 1:
- more information: from
- to understand better what a CAN network is:
- Engine control unit (ECU) video 8 min
- En tu coche
Activity: share your folder for your teacher to edit your files
Activity: take a look, open two tempaltes (plantillas) and post it. noticia xataka 10/2/2019Activity:
Let's see what is your level of knowledge about Power Point presentation.
Your mark will depend on the constrains you follow. (Option) this means not compulsory.
Create apresentation about networks
- Slideshow called "Typical elements in a LAN surname". (0,5p)
- Save it in your shared folder. (0,5p)
- You only can visit file "unit2" BSOTOS to find information about it. (0,5p)
- Post it in your blog (page "Networks" ). Add a link to your presentation. (1,5p)
- The images that appear should be in a folder called "images LAN". This will be in your shared folder for me to see it. Every image with its name: "router", ... (1,5p)
- Once you finish your work you must publish it in Slideshare so that everybody can use it. how to upload to slideshare (1p)
- Animations (option)
- Apply transitions between slides (option)
- Sound, video, ... (option)
- Slides: (0,5 each one)
- Slide: name surname and Title
- Slide: What a LAN is and why this elements are essential. An image of a LAN
- Slide: Network card and its function. An image
- Slide: Switch and its function. An image
- Slide: Router and its purpose. An image
- Slide: Protocol TCP/IP. Thanks to this protocol, different SO ....
- Slide: TCP provides.... and IP transfers ...
- Slide: IP adress. Function. An image
- Slide: Thanks for your attention
Activity: go to your folder and open the folder presentations students, then open the file step by step. You can see the presentation solution "national parks.pdf"
19/02/2019: Read the document and image a title for every and each paragraph. Post in your blog as "tips for a good presentation" (only the titles) To see the document click here
Summaryblog bsotos
GIMP is the best free alternative to digital editing software payment. It can process vectordrawings and digital photographs.
Help: tutorial 25 min
Create a folder inside your shared folder called "gimpsurname". Here you'll keep your Gimp files
Activity 1: gimp interface
Open the program, the atomium image and make a screenshot of the interface.
Save the file (word) as "gimp interface surname" in your folder "gimpsurname"
Open the official manual and find the information in 2. Main windows. Chapter 3. First steps with Wilber
Locate the following elements and windows with arrows and text boxes.
- Main toolbox.
- Tool options.
- Image window.
- Layers, channels, routes, undo history.
- Brushes, Patterns and gradients
Read the paragraph corresponding to each element or window.
Post it in your blog as INTERFACE GIMP and explain what interface is
Activity 2: Toolbox interface
Take a screenshot of the toolbox interface.
Locate the following elements with arrows and text boxes. Go to section 2.1 the toolbox of the official manual.
- Tool icons
- Brush/pattern/degraded
- Active image
- Front/Background Colors
Read the paragraph corresponding to each element or window.
Post it in your blog as BOX TOOL GIMP.
21/01/2020 Tuesday
Go to TEAMS and read the task for today
Activity 3:image window (don't do it)
- Performs a screenshot of the image window interface.
- Locate the elements shown below in your screenshot.
- Go to the official manual and look at figure 3.5 or figure 3.6 (pick up one of them). The image window in multi-window mode or in single window mode.
- Carefully read the usefulness of each element, you must know it in order to practice.
- Title bar
- Image Menu
- Units Menu
- Menu button:
- Ruler
- QuickMask Toggle
- Pointer Coordinates
- Zoom button:
- Units menu
- Image Viewer:
- Status Area
- Cancel button
- Navigation control
- Inactive Padding Area:
- Image Window Resize Toggle
- Image Display
Post it as WINDOW INTERFACE and write the meaning in Spanish of each element
Activity 4: tutorial 13 min Follow the instructions and create your file called "tutorial surname" and scale and save "logo surname" the image logo Gimp
Activity 5: create a new file "gimp fox". Here you have the appearance. Look at the layers and the blend tool. Pay attention to the order of the layers.
Export as "gimp fox.jpg" and save as "gimp fox.xcf" in your folder.
Post as GIMP FOX and upload the image. List the main tools you used.
Activity 6: Practices of Bsotos. Follow the instruccions of the printed practises.
Save them in your shared folder (drive). Here you have the images you need images
Here you have a link to the practices (PRACTICE1.jpg, PRACTICE2.jpg, ...skip the practice 6) Bsotos Gimp.
Activity 7 : go to Black- white and Andy Warhol and follow the instruccions
ICT fray Pedro
Power Point tutorial: youtube 17 min, youtube 7 min
Top ten slide tips: tips
with Prezi?
symbaloo qué es
Bsotosprezi security
activity Prezi
BsotosINSKAPE: Bsotos
Prezi Google
Activity: built it
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