REMEMBER How to place your fingers |
- Semana 13 al 20 de marzo 2020: hasta la cuestión 10 y hasta la página 9. Estudiar lo trabajado. Al final de la semana colgaré aquí la corrección.
- Youtube: debes ver solo la mitad (dos veces) e-learning class metals
- Ordenador: pag. 20, actividad 50 Realizar con el procesador de textos (Word, Pages, Writer, ..) Enviármela por correo electrónico el miércoles 18 marzo, si no os ha dado tiempo enviarla el miércoles 25. "apellidos_metals"
- Libro: pag 7 (4, 5), pag 9 (11, 12).
- Un extra: cinco curiosidades sobre el cobre. video 2 min
- You can send your homework done to my email, It´s not compulsory.
- You have to send the table of metals
- Semana 23 al 27 de 2020:
- Check the solution week 13-20 March and correct it
- Questions: 11-17
- Youtube: debes verlo (do not write anything, just watching) 2ª parte e-learning metals
- Libro: pag 10 (16, 17), pag 11 (18). Pag 20 (37, 38 ) Study: pag 10, 11.
- Semana del 30 al 2 abril de 2020:
- Corrige tus cuestiones de la semana anterior
- Estudia lo trabajado en tu cuaderno de los metales.
- Realiza una presentación con Power point como ésta(pincha aquí), puedes elegir otros metales, si quieres. Si no tienes el programa, usa el del office 365. Envía la presentación, lo que hayas hecho. "apellidometal" AL FINAL DE SEMANA
- Dedica 5 min a ver a La pantera rosa: propiedades de los materiales video 5 min
- Semana del 14 al 17 abril:
- Lee y responde (copia el enunciado) clic aquí. Entrega a final de semana
- Semana del 20 al 22 abril:
- Dibuja un teclado (mano alzada) donde aparezcan las teclas numeradas del ejercicio siguiente con su símbolo correspondiente y empareja el nº con su utilidad (para que sirve cada tecla) clic aquí teclado Entrega a final de semana
- CURIOSITY: Coins, made of... LAS MONEDAS
- solución teclado
- Semana del 27 al 30 abril:
- Check solution previous week
- Page 6:
- read
- Copy key concepts and study them
- activities 1, 2, 3 and 4. (copy questions)
- Page 8 and 9:
- Read
- Copy the text below the image of the soft sweet and try to understand
- Semana del 4 al 8 mayo:
- Check solution previous week
- Page 8 and 9: Match the images of the soft sweet with the types of stress
- Copy key concepts and study them
- Activities 9 and 10
- Semana del 11 al 15 mayo:
- Check solution previous week
- Page 10 - 13: List the 8 types of man-made structures and draw 3 of them (freehand and with pencil) writing the type of structure close to them
- "Famous structures" Open the document and follow the instructions of the second and third page. You can print or draw the map. Document
- Semana del 18 al 22 mayo: ELECTRICITY
- Check solution previous week.
- Study the type of structures and tell me how many types of structures you are capable of saying without looking at your notebook
- Click Thomas Edison:
- Copy, in your notebook, the questions of the Quiz (the answers not yet)
- Watch the video twice
- Answer the questions of the QUIZ online
- Copy the correct answers in your notebook
- Read page 6 and answer the activities 1, 4 and 6. Copy the questions.
- Copy key concepts (page 6) and learn them.
- SOLUTION: Solution
- Semana del 25 al 29 mayo: ELECTRICITY
- Check solution previous week.
- Watch the video 1 from the begining to minute 3 (only 3 minutes). Copy and answer the questions:
- What happens if the parachutist touches the tower?
- In which situation you can experiment electrostatic charge (electricidad estática)?
- What happens if you touches the tap?
- The tap is made of ………….. . This is an insulator or a conductor?
- The nucleus is made up of?
- Copy key concepts page 9
- Open the simulator of electric circuits and simulate:
- the two circuits of the page 7 (you can use a wire instead a spoon).
- Circuit of page 8 (3.1 generators)
- Semana del 1 al 5 junio: ELECTRICITY
- Semana del 8 al 12 junio: ELECTRICITY
- Page 11:
- Read and list the effects of the electricity.
- Write an example of an object of each effect.
- Copy key concepts
- Activity 22 (copy the question)
- Page 13
- Copy key concetps
- Study them
- Activity 23, 24 (copy questions)
- ➽Semana del 15 al 19 junio: ELECTRICITY
- Page 14:
- Copy (very big, a page of your notebook) the triangle and the explanation (on the left at the top of the page 14)
- copy key concepts
- Page 15:
- Read
- Copy key concepts and draw an example of each circuit (parallel and series)
- Page 16:
- Copy the ways you can save electricity using home appliance, light and electronic devices.
- Ask your parents if they usually follow this rules.
ASSESSMENT year 2019-20:
This is how the assessment this year is going to work:
- Practical projects and tasks: 60%
- Final exam: 30%
- Attitude and interest: 10%
English is the language used in this class, so it is important to use it to address the teacher and your classmates.
Interesting blogs:
Some videos:
- Why learn programing: 9 min,
- how a pencil is made: 3 min speaking
- history of the pencil: video 2 min
- Video: rankine cycle 9min
Video, 2 minutes: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
Video, 2:45 minutes: Children´s and Young People´s Rights
- hourofcode : activities
UNIT: The technological process:
- Material flash cards: from TecnoCarlos
- Properties and objects: from IES Atenea
- Materials and their Properties (definitions): from IES Villablanca
UNIT Graphic expression
- This is a video about the basics of engineering (technical) drawings. Listen and try to understand. Try to answer what is the main diference between technical drawing and artistic drawing?, and what's the goal of technical drawing?. video 2 min.
- In this video, the teacher presents 8 different technical drawing tools. you can do exercise 2 but it's time consuming. video 4 min
- Test drafting tools
- Learn how to draw lines. Try and try again! video 5 min
- Why peoplebelieve they can't draw- and how to prove they can. Graham Shaw. TEDx Hull. TEDx video 16min
- Inskape: How to draw a character of comic
Using sketching effectively in design (video): sketching
UNIT: Wood and its derivatives
- presentation Power Point WOOD
- explaining properties
- video: how paper is made
- video: how your desk is made
- making a tangram egg tangram
Definitions and tools: guess the tool (speaking) tools cgarciasaez
Open this link and go to exercises "the workshop tools" tools
Activity word processor from esobooks: tools
Tools and verbs in English with audio areatecnologia
Inside your folder create a file (exercise 2). Write a glossary (14 words). Letter 12 arial blue
- hardware and software
- bbc/ inputandoutputdevices
- Data storage
Watch the video, then copy "the refresh" in a file called datastorage in your folder. Letter batang 16, red, bold. And go on waching the video.
Read carefully the steps:
6. File called: TOOLS ACTIV 2:
Open this link and go to exercises "the workshop tools" tools
Activity word processor from esobooks: tools
Tools and verbs in English with audio areatecnologia
UNIT: Structures
Activity workshop from esobooks: simple paper structureUNIT: Hardware and software
- Position of the fingers on the keyboard:
- Computers English vocabulary:
Within each category, place your cursor over an image to hear it. Then quiz yourself (listening challenge and speaking challenge)Inside your folder create a file (exercise 2). Write a glossary (14 words). Letter 12 arial blue
Some videos:
- the basics of hardware and software- hardware and software
- bbc/ inputandoutputdevices
- Data storage
Watch the video, then copy "the refresh" in a file called datastorage in your folder. Letter batang 16, red, bold. And go on waching the video.
word processor writer
- Activity1: click here wordprocessing, download the document and save it. You will need it to do the following activities.
- Activity 2 Go to page 33, read it and do the activities that appear on page 34. Save as "font styles"
- Activity 3: Go to page 34, read it and do the activities that appear on page 35,36. Save as "Undo redo"
- Activity 4: Go to page 37, read it and do the activities that appear on page 36.
- Activity 5: Go to page 43, read it and do the activity that appears on the following page. Save as "cut and paste"
- Activity 6: Go to page 56 and 57, read them and do the activities that appear on page 57.
- Activity 7 Go to page 58 and 59, read them and do the activities that appear on page 60.
- Activity 8 Go to page 64, read it and do the activities that appear on page 69. Save as "border and art border"
- Activity 9: your schedule. The tables consist of cells (celdas), arranged in rows (filas) and columns (columnas). In these cells we can introduce written information and even pictures.
- Activity 10 Go to page 70, read it and do the activity related to metal or structures. Save as "metals" or "structures"
- Activity 11 Go to page 87, read it and do the activities that appear on the same page . Save as "yellow star"
- Activity 12 Go to page 88, read it and do the activities that appear on it. Save as "review shapes"
- Activity 13 Go to page 102, read it and do the activities that appear on page 103. Save as "final project"
- Activity 14: presentation tools:
5. File called: TOOLS ACTIV 1:
Read carefully the steps:
- Click here tools activity 1 tools activity 1 Actividad elaborada por Raquel Lage Cal
- Click archivo/descargar como/microsoft word. Una vez descargado, abrir y guardar en tu carpeta como: tools activ 1.
- Now, the document is ready. Start following the instructions that appear in it.
- Save the changes and make sure the document is in your folder
Read carefully the steps:
- Click here tools activity 2 Actividad elaborada por Raquel Lage Cal
- Click archivo/descargar como/microsoft word. Una vez descargado, abrir y guardar en tu carpeta como: tools activ 2.
- Now, the document is ready. Start following the instructions that appear in it.
- Save the changes and make sure the document is in your folder
UNIT: Internet
Web Search Strategies in Plain English (3min)
Para recuperar la asignatura en Septiembre debes entregar las actividades bien hechas en hojas grapadas, con nombre, apellidos y curso. Debes copiar los enunciados. Ojo con las búsquedas en Internet! solo debes realizarlas en ocasiones muy puntuales, si no encontraras la respuesta en tu libro.
Te examinarás de estas actividades, así que trata de estudiarlas según las vas resolviendo. El último tema es el de electricidad, "collectin of metals" ya no entra.
Te examinarás de estas actividades, así que trata de estudiarlas según las vas resolviendo. El último tema es el de electricidad, "collectin of metals" ya no entra.
- Write and answer the following activities. You should read your book. Every answer is there. Go to the index (índice) to look for the unit in your book.
- UNIT: Technology. Technological processes.
- what´s Technology?
- write and explain the stages of technological processes
- activity 1, 2 page 8.
- UNIT: Hardware and Software.
- What the CPU is? What is its funtion? Where it is, in which part of the computer?
- What are the basic operations performed by an operating system
- Write two popular operating systems
- Explain what computer hardware and software are.
- Write three examples of hardware and three of software.
- How does a computer work?
- Match the order to each sentence and to each word
- Save photo in My Photos output 1
- Print the photo input 2
- Copy the photo from the digital camera process 3
- Three different ways to get output are: screen, __________ , ________
- Fill the sentences:
_________ memory permanently stores information
_________ memory temporarily stores programs or data that are being used - Match the devices with the definitions
Web camera Small computer with a touch screen
Barcode reader Computer screen
Monitor Device to connect computers to the Internet through telephone lines
PDA Device to show the person who is talking on an Internet connection
MODEM Device to read the label of a product in a supermarket - What are these words in Spanish? File, folder, desktop, icon, spreadsheet,
software. - Could a computer work without an operating system? Why / why not?
- Write 5 peripheral imput devices and two peripheral output devices. Explain one of them.
- What is the computer language? Try to explain it or imagine an example to explain it.
- UNIT: Materials.
- Define raw material.
- Write five raw materials
- Write the materials you can get from your raw materials
- Write the manufactured goods you can get from your materials.
- Define the following properties
- Electrical insulation
- Thermal insulation
- Malleability
- Ductility
- Hardness
- Thoughness
- Porosity
- UNIT: Wood and its derivatives.
- Read your book, the following properties and answer the cuestions.
- PROPERTIES OF WOOD: factors that influence the properties of wood · Type of tree· Environment· Soil· Age of tree· Composition of the woodPHYSICAL PROPERTIES:- Hardness: wood is hard but can be penetrated by objects such as screws or nails- Density: wood is less dense than water, so it floats- Electrical insulation: dry wood provides good electrical insulation- Thermal insulation: wood provides good thermal insulation but it burns easily- Porosity: wood can absorb or emit liquids or gases because it has tiny holes called pores- Mechanical resistance: wood has good mechanical resistance against the forces of traction, compression or bending- Colour and grain: wood has aesthetic qualities: a variety of colours and grainsECOLOGICAL PROPERTIES- Wood is a renewable raw material. New trees can grow all the time. But deforestation causes serious damage to the balance of our ecosystem- Wood is biodegradable. It decomposes as time passes- Wood is recyclable. We can make other things from it, such as prefabricated boards, paper and cardboard
- Questions:
- 1. What are the two main substances that wood is composed of?2. Copy and complete the text with the following words: environment, soil, tree, age.a. Wood properties depend on the type of ... and the quality of the ... that it grows in.b. An important factor is the ... of the tree- old trees have different properties from young trees.c. Another factor is the ... where the tree is located, e.g. if the area has a wet or dry climate.3. True or false:a. Wood is denser than water.b. Wood provides good thermal insulation.c. Wood is used to conduct electricity.4. We often use be + past participle to describe processes. Copy and complete. E.g. wood is transported by train.a. The trees are cut down and the branches (prune)b. The logs (transport) by water to the sawmillc. The bark (remove)d. The logs (cut) into plankse. The planks (dry) to remove the waterf. The planks (plane) to make the wood smooth5. Copy the words and match the definitions. Trunk, logs, raw material, grain.a. The lines or patterns in pieces of wood
b. the main part of the tree without branches
c. cut tree trunksd. Material in its natural state, before processing6. Order this words to make two sentences about wood processing:a. from removed The is the bark logb. wood The is make it planed smooth to7. Copy and complete. Chose the correct option.
a. Hardwoods grow more quickly/ slowly than softwoodsb. Hardwoods have more /less resin than softwoodsc. Hardwoods are more / less resistant than softwood
8 . Copy and complete.Use the following words: by, of, of, to, from
a. We use wood derivatives instead ____ wood for several reasonsb. They are very easy ___ work withc. They have a wide range ___ measurements and finishesd. They are not attacked ___ parasites they are environmentally friendly because they are made ___ leftovers of wood
10. Read the advantages of engineering wood or prefabricated wood products:
· They are easy to work with.
· There are a lot of different sizes and finishes
· They are not attacked by parasites
· They are made from the leftovers (remainders) of wood cuttings, so are cheaper
11. Write the steps to extract wood and explain them.12. What a chipboard is. Explain it. Its name in Spanish is...
13. What a plywood is. Explain it. Its name in Spanish is...
14. What a fiberboard is. Explain it. Its name in Spanish is...
- UNIT: Metals.
short history of metals, quizzes, tools and famous metalic structure: IES Atenea
- Metals are clasified into two categories:
- What rustproof means?
- Definition of alloy and say three examples writing its components
- Write the name of three ferrous metals and three non-ferrous metals
- What does “metals expand when the temperature rises” mean?
- Write two heavy metals that they are very resistant to corrosion. And say a use of each
- Which property is the most important in making the following things: a drink can: …………., a needle: …………
- Write the characteristics of ferrous metals
- Which metal would be the best to make these objects and why: window frames: ________, bone prostheses: ___________, cans:__________, fireworks: __________ , kitchen tools:_________
- What is the opposite of soft? When a material is soft?
- What is the opposite of fragile? When a material is fragile?
- Order the ferrous metals depending on their amount of carbon. In decreasing order.
- Write two metals that usually are added to steel. And say why
- What does “metals contract when the temperature decreases” mean?
- Write two metals that they are toxic: ….... ……… Bearing are made of………. Cogs are made of …….
- Which property is the most important in making the following things: a nail: ………, a blade : ………
- Which metal would be the best to make these objects and why: spacecraft:___________, high voltage power lines:_____________, protective measures against nuclear radiation:_________, jewellery:_____________, street lamps: __________
- UNIT: Graphic expression and communication
- click here see the presentation. To stop the slide click pause
- Copy the definition of sketch, diagram and technical drawing.
- Draw a sketch and a diagram of a chair.
- Draw a sketch and a diagram of a pencil sarpener
- Draw a diagram of a toaster and write two materials that the object is made of.
- UNIT: Structures
- Go to the page Tecnologías of the blog and take a look to the document kind of forces
- Draw another example of each kind of forces.
- structures with examples: slide 19-26 (efforts), slide 27-36 (elements of structures), 33-41 (no), 42-54 (stability)
- video estabilidad
- The following activities will not be part of the exam
- Prezi lesson Moisés Lorenzo Santos
- Tacoma brigde video
- workshop with cardboard
- Spaghetti tower project
- Visit the blog Tecnoenseñando and watch "Drinking straw structures competition"
- Project: how to make a structure of paper rolled: rolled paper
- triangular structures video
- UNIT: Electricity
- Draw the following circuits taking into account the symbols that appear in your book:
- Draw a circuit of a electric heater.
- Draw a circuit of a toaster with light signal
- Draw a circuit of a hair dryer (motor +bulb)
- Draw a circuit of a bell with light signal
- Video and questions: Thomas Edison
- Watch the following two videos and answer the questions. Listenning twice, the second time with subtitles (at the bottom on the right)
- Video1 What is a circuit?
- What is a circuit?
- Electrons flow from the …………. side of a battery to a ………….. material on the base of the ………… From there, the ……. flow up a wire that is ………. the bulb and across the ………….. The electrons continue down another small ………….. inside the bulb. The electrons finally make their way to the ……….. side of the battery.
- What happens if the electrons do not travel to the positive side of the battery?
- The light bulb will not light unless there is a …………… (circuito cerrado)
- Electrons will not easily pass through …………… material
- Electricity will follow the path of least ………….
- What is a short circuit (cortocircuito)?
- Video2 electricity
- Questions video2: (copy the questions)
- What happens if the parachutist touches the tower?
- In which situation you can experiment electrostatic charge (electricidad estática)?
- What happens if you touches the tap?
- The tap is made of ………….. . This is an insulator or a conductor?
- The nucleus is made up of?
- A mass of a proton is equal ………….. electron
- Draw a nucleus made up of 4 protons and 5 neutrons. You should draw the electrons as well.
- Draw a nucleus with positive charge.
It`s no necessary to listen the following videos
- Video3 what is an amp?
- Questions video3: (copy them) Listenning twice, the second time with subtitles
- In metals like copper, the electrons ... ... ... ... ... around.
- The electrons will all push each other around at the same time, kind of ... ... ... ...
- How do we measure electric current?
- Electricity is when electrons ... ... ... ...
- Ampere refers to ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
- 1 Ampere = ... ... ... ... ...
- Electrical current (corriente eléctrica o intensidad) refers to ... ... ... ... ...
- 1 Ampere means that ... ... ... ... ... ...
- What an electric circuit is?
- If you were to cut one of the wires here you would no longer have a ... ...
- Write the two naming systems for the electric current and howthe electrons flow in each.
- Which system you should use in formulas and maths?
- what amperes are?
Video 4. Voltage, Current and Resistance
- Questions video4: (copy them) Listenning twice, the second time with subtitles
- What´s the analogy?
- Voltage is called: ... ...
- We measure voltage in ...
- the symbol for voltage is ...
- current (corriente eléctrica o intensidad) is ...
- We measure current in ...
- the symbol for current is ...
- Resistance (resistencia) is ...
- We measure resistance in ...
- the symbol for resistance is ...
- Go to minute 7:20 and copy the pyramid (a big one)
- Listen to the explanation haw to discover the unknown one.
- So: V=
- I=
- R=
- This whole thing is called: ... ...
- Ohm´s Law shows: ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
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