16/3/2020:As the educacyl web is overloaded, here we have a channel of communication, you can comment also (if you are not capable of entering in educacyl).
You have new files in your folder:
- Theory lever pulleys : to complete the activities mechanism1
- Mechanical advantage here
- Gears_problems EASY: you should solve after the problems of levers and pulleys(solution at the end of next week 23 to 27 March)
- solutions mechanism1 and levers and pulleys problems
week 24- 27 March
- Check the problems about levers and pulleys.
- Start with the problems of gears (file " Gears_problems EASY" in your folder) and belt and pulleys from file "mechanism2"
week 30 March- 3 April
- Solve the four problems (lever, pulley, gears, belt and pulleys) PROBLEMS TO SEND
- Send a photo to my email. I'm gonna take notes.
- Deadline: April 2, 2020.
- Web with videos (explanation): some in English, some in Spanish and some a mixed. Technovicar
- oxford mechanism
week 14 April- 17 April (the deadline is extended: next week)
- Word processor:
- Go to your folder in Drive and open unit 2 WORD
- Open the file unidad2.pdf and have a look. I strongly recommend you a brief reading before starting.
- For you to have an idea the image 19 (figure 19) shows the final work.
- Open the folder P1_P2_P3_P4. Here you have resources.
- Now you can start working. You can print the unidad2.pdf but I think it's easy and you won't need it
- You only should send me P4_E3_namesurmane, but you have to do the previous ones.
- If you have time, we are doing all the activities next week, so you can advance work or not.
week 27 April- 30 April
- Word processor:
- Go to your folder in Drive and open unit 2 WORD
- Open the file unidad2.pdf and read activities 5, 6 and 7
- Open the folder P5 and the files P5 and P6solution.
- The P6solution is the model and the P5 is the document you should format.
- Send: surname6 and surname7 (you can have problems with columns)
- Page 6: read and learn key concepts
- Page 8, Managing information:
- Read and make sure you know What a social bookmaking is.
week 4 May- 8 May: THE WEB
- Page 8, Managing information:
- Watch the video tutorial video 3min (you don't have to watch the whole video).
- Register yourself. Create two webmix and in one of them create 3 tiles with links. One of the tiles should be my blog of Technology.
- Make and screenshot and send me "surnamesymbaloo"
- Page 9, 10, 11: Read and answer What is live streaming?
- Page 19: User licences.
- Read "User licences"
- Go to have a look to "Las licencias" and answer What type of licence has this blog Tecnología 3 ESO looking at the symbol?
- 1. An electric circuit (pages 6, 7): read
- Have a look to the images in the following what is electricity? Pay attention: electron flow is electricity.
- in reality electrons flow from the (-) to the (+)
- In theory (to solve problems) the electrons flow from the (+) to the (-). That's why scientifics thought that the electrons flow in this way at first.
- Answer (reading your book) the following questions and send me "surnameelectr1"
- What electric current is?
- List the parts of an electric circuit and their function.
- List the four types of loads: draw the symbol and the kind of energy
- List the four types of switching: draw the symbol and say the difference between switches and push buttons.
- An electric circuit consists on ... (key concept)
- Activity 4 and 5 of the unit SOLUTION
- Check the activities of the previous week
- Simulator of circuits (activ 4, 5 book): click activities
- You have an email from me with the crocclip program. Here you have a tutorial (you don't have to watch the whole video, just to have a look) tutorial Crocclip
- Make an screenshot (click ImpPt and paste in a file of word) and send me the file "surnameelectr2"
- SOLUTION: open with crocclip (download the file, open the program crocclip, open the file from the crocclip) ACTIVITY 4_5
- Watch the video 1 and answer the questions (please listen twice without subtitles, only third time if you don't understand with subtitles). Copy the questions.
- What is a circuit?
- Electrons flow from the …………. side of a battery to a ………….. material on the base of the ………… From there, the ……. flow up a wire that is ………. the bulb and across the ………….. The electrons continue down another small ………….. inside the bulb. The electrons finally make their way to the ……….. side of the battery.
- What happens if the electrons do not travel to the positive side of the battery?
- The light bulb will not light unless there is a …………… (circuito cerrado)
- Electrons will not easily pass through …………… material
- Electricity will follow the path of least ………….
- What is a short circuit (cortocircuito)?
- Read page 8.
- Circuit of activity 7 shows how to change the direction of rotation (sentido de giro) of a DC motor (motor de corriente continua, con pilas). This happens when you swap the terminals of the motor. Copy twice the circuit of activity 7 and draw the path of the electrons, taking into account that the electrons flow from the (+) to the (-), when:
- the switch is in position 1 (right limit switch)
- position 2 (left limit switch)
- Simulate the circuit of activity 7 with Crocodile.
- Check the activities of the previous week
- Watch the video 2 and answer the questions (please listen twice without subtitles, only third time if you don't understand with subtitles). Copy the questions.
- In metals like copper, the electrons ... ... ... ... ... around.
- The electrons will all push each other around at the same time, kind of ... ... ... ...
- How do we measure electric current?
- Electricity is when electrons ... ... ... ...
- Ampere refers to ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
- 1 Ampere = ... ... ... ... ...
- Electrical current (corriente eléctrica o intensidad) refers to ... ... ... ... ...
- 1 Ampere means that ... ... ... ... ... ...
- What an electric circuit is?
- If you were to cut one of the wires here you would no longer have a ... ...
- Write the two naming systems for the electric current and how the electrons flow in each.
- Which system you should use in formulas and maths?
- what amperes are?
- Simulate circuits number 1, 2, 3, 4 with Crocodile and answer the questions (you don't have to copy the questions): Crocclip
- Check the activities of the previous week
- Watch the video 3 and answer the questions (please listen twice without subtitles, only third time if you don't understand with subtitles). Copy the questions.
- What´s the analogy?
- Voltage is called: ... ...
- We measure voltage in ...
- the symbol for voltage is ...
- current (corriente eléctrica o intensidad) is ...
- We measure current in ...
- the symbol for current is ...
- Resistance (resistencia) is ...
- We measure resistance in ...
- the symbol for resistance is ...
- Go to minute 7:20 and copy the pyramid (a big one)
- Listen to the explanation haw to discover the unknown one.
- So: V=
- I=
- R=
- This whole thing is called: ... ...
- Ohm´s Law shows: ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
- Simulate circuits number 5 to 8 (circuits 1 to 5) with Crocodile and answer the questions (you don't have to copy the questions): Crocclip
- Check the activities of the previous week
- Watch the animation alternating current and answer: What alternating current is and how its waveform is.
- Watch the video motor and generator
ASSESSMENT (2019-20):
This is how the assessment this year is going to work:
- Practical projects and tasks: 30%
- Exams: 60%
- Attitude and interest: 10%
English is the language used in this class, so it is important to use it to address the teacher and your classmates.
Workshop toolsBLOG
- Activity: Watch the video for 4 minutes.
Go to your email account and click blogger and start creating your own blog (one per each student ) called (Title) "3TECH following by your name, for example "3TECHsonia" and the domain (address) "3techobarenessonia" .
- Activity: Keep on watching the video 4:30 for a minute and view your blog
- Activity: Keep on watching the video for two minutes and ...
Your first post: "Welcome to my blog"
The body part: You are going to post information about the subject Technology this year, so explain the aim of your blog and encourage people to comment it and make suggestions (you can introduce yourself: name and surname, where you are studing, then you can write: "This is my blog for the subject Technology" and now it´s up to you ... (60 words minimum).
Skip the "explanation of pages" and go here, watch the explanation of comments and drag the slider to the point in the video where layout appears.
You can pause, skip forward or backward, or drag the slider to the point in the video you want to watch.
- Activity: click on stats "estadísticas" and take a look.Then click on posts and see how many posts you have already published.
- Activity: choose a temple designer and play around with background, adjust widths and avanced making changes. video
- Press the Print Screen key "Imp Pant"
- Open the image editor Paint
- Create a new file, and press CTRL + V to paste the screenshot.
- Edit the image (cutting)
- Create a new file and CTRL + V to paste the image
- Save your image as a JPG, JEPG file
- Activity: watch the video Google Drive 2018 and keep on with the activities. You can pause, skip forward or backward, or drag the slider to the point in the video you want to watch.
- Activity: go to google drive and create a folder called "SURNAME_TECH"
- Activity: Go to Google Drive and upload the file "PC surname" to your folder "SURNAME_TECH"
- Activity: Copy and paste in your blog the link to your file. Here you have an example: drive hardware
- Activity "manage folders" change the colour (green) of your folder and rename as "SURNAME_TECH3"
- Activity "sharing folders" (minute 5:55): share your folder "SURNAME_TECH3" with your teacher (
- Activity: create a file called "test1surnames" and share with the classmate close to you. Ask her/him their email. Chose the option "can edit" and edit the file writing four words each. Don't get panic, just try and enjoy. Take your time (4- minutes)
- Activity:
- open the file motherboard shared
- unload and save as "mother surnames" ,
- upload to your folder "SURNAME_TECH3"
- share with the classmate who has a computer far away from you. You can stand up to ask for their email, you need a pen or a pencil to write it down.
- Chose the option "can edit"
- Edit the file as if you can not communicate by speaking, I mean you can not speak, act as if you were each at home.
- Publish a post called "the motherboard" with a link in your blog and explain (in detail) how you create the file (sharing and editing ...) and the name of the authors.
- Activity: unload the file vocabulary and post the solution in your blog as a link. Use google drive. You should upload the file "vocabulary solution" to your folder "SURNAME_TECH3" and then copy the link. Author activity Kico Borras
PROYECT 1:Selecting coins or Coin sorting machine. Victorvic, Youtube,
SOLUTION VIEWS:Explanation in Spanish aisanchez222
Two quick examples of plan and front view: Bespokeducation
Here you can practice views online 1
Here you can practice the views online 2
- Print:
- Annotation:
- Rules for dimensioning: video 13 min
- In Spanish, cómo acotar: educacionplastica
- In English, how to dimension: IES Los Albares
- Practice online: IESO Cigales
- Sketch up:
- Steps to start Your first 3D model
- tutorial, with lessons swotster
- Video (Spanish): casa 10 min Planet Noize
- Drawing in Sketchup: Juan sanchez
drawing in Sketchup |
- Scales:
- video 3min
The scale is the proportion (ratio) between the size of the drawings and the size of the real object.Scale =Size of the drawingSize of the real objectIn technical drawing, we use different types of scales.Types of scaleWhich is larger?ExamplesFull scale (escala natural)None. Both are the same size.1:1Reduced scale (reducción)The object.1:2 ; 1:3Enlarged scale (ampliación)The drawing.2:1 ; 3:1
- Exercise/video(necessary pencil and paper): educaplay
- El calibre
- how to measure: here
- simulator: virtual
- Video de 4 minutos: video calibre
- Cómo medir: video calibre II
- Practica con el calibre virtual: educaplus
- ficha 1
- El micrómetro:
- Cómo medir: video
from Heliche ppt
contents/ activities/ collection
Activity PC: microplastics
- Petervaldivia
- Chart PC: presentation, theory
How to make a walking robot (video)
Future applications of grafeno video 2 min
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